We offer a fixed fee service where possible to include notarisation of documents, disbursements such as legalisation fees, postage, courier fees, travelling expenses and translating costs. To provide you with the most accurate quote and information please attach any relevant documents with your initial enquiry.
As a guideline we charge a fee of:
£100 [+ VAT@20%] for a notarial act such as notarising bio-data pages of a passport or £120 [+ VAT@20%] for notarising a ready-to-sign Power of Attorney.
For more complicated or time-consuming matters our fee will be based on the hourly rate of £320 [+ VAT@20%].
Time charged
The time charged includes: the initial instruction, providing you with advice, drafting documents, attending meetings, phone calls, e-mails, legalisation, entering/ maintaining information in the Notarial Register and Protocol.
Our fees are subject to 20% VAT. Our VAT registration number is 464 2031 20.
Where disbursements are not included in a fixed fee quote, it is your responsibility to reimburse us for payments made on your behalf, such as:
legalisation fees payable to the Foreign Commonwealth & Development Office
standard service (paper-based) apostille £45 / e-Apostille £35
next day apostille (paper-based) applies to registered businesses £40
legalisation agent's fees
legalisation fees payable to the relevant Embassy/ Consulate
translator/ interpreter fees
You prior consent would be obtained before we incur any of the above charges.
We accept payments by bank transfer or cash only up to £500 in any one 28 day period and per client.
Fee variation
Occasionally unforeseen or unusual issues arise during the course of the matter which may result in a revision of our fee estimate. Examples of this could include where a matter becomes more complex/ urgent, requires a particular area of expertise, where additional documents are required to be notarised, additional translations or legalisations are needed to meet the requirements of the receiving jurisdiction, third party fees are adjusted to reflect external factors such as fuel price changes and so on. In such circumstances, we reserve the right to vary our fees but would obtain your approval before we take-on any additional work.